Should I Prepay?

There has been much hype in recent years regarding prepaying funeral expenses. Since The Co-op Funeral Home of People's Memorial seeks to have all consumers make informed decisions, we want you to know both the benefits and risks of the different types of prepayment.

Because of our low-cost of cremation and burial arrangements, it may not make sense to prepay for many of our members. You will receive no sales pressure from us to do so, instead we seek to educate you regarding the options and let you choose what is right for your situation.

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Prepayment in any form involves trusting that someone else will securely hold and manage your money and deliver it to the funeral home at time of death. That means trusting that the bank, insurance company, funeral home, family or friend will perform their duties responsibly. We cannot guarantee that the funeral costs for prepaid plans will remain the same over time. There is no more "locking in" today's rates. Before you make a decision about what to do, we encourage you to read our document The Benefits and Risks of Prepayment.

If after reading this information you feel that prepayment is the best choice for you, The Co-op Funeral Home of People's Memorial offers life insurance as a means of funding your final arrangements. We are not able to guarantee that future costs will be paid in full. But if there are more life insurance funds than necessary to pay for your chosen arrangements, we will refund the difference to your estate or next-of-kin.


I would like more information or to set up an appointment to pre-plan or pre-pay in person!

Please note that in-person prepayment appointments may take up to 1 hour, availability is limited, and payment is restricted to check only.

Prepay Online Contact Form

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