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Jeff Rogler

Shortly before passing Jeff found this in one of his old notebooks and got a big kick out of it that day. In my mind, this small portrait sums him up better than recounting his many achievements as a sailor, skier, gear-head/jack of all trades ever could. BR

“Christmas 1996 will be…
It will be a cold crisp day with clear skies. Hopefully some snow on the ground. Up to make some coffee then out for a walk by myself around the neighborhood. I’ll hope to see other families up and about in their homes. Birds will be noisy as will the dogs in their yards. Greetings will be exchanged should I meet someone on the sidewalk. Upon returning to the house, I’ll start the teapot for Bridget and get to work making some muffins and eggs. After breakfast we’ll lounge about, call family and maybe watch a movie. We’ll go out for a walk at the Arboretum or a similar spot returning home to the traditional array of pates, cheeses, etc. Chill a bit more then I’ll start to cook a Christmas meal. Maybe something smoked which I would have started earlier if this is the case. I’ll do most of the cooking as Bridget will have friends over - good - I like to share Holidays with others and cook for them. Some cards or Scrabble after dinner maybe another movie? Then off to our cozy bed to snuggle up with my love.”

In lieu of flowers donations can be made in Jeff’s name to Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission.


What the hell has happened ? I can't believe this I'm so shocked, so saddened. There just aren't many who can bring a smile to your face as fast as Jeff. I always enjoyed seeing him whether just passing in a car or talking with him. That goes for Bridget as well. My sympathy to all his family and friends, Brent, retired manager of Stimson Marina.

Brent Howell

What a beautiful man to offer this narrative that is so steeped in his love of life and his love for Bridget… a long time friend and adventurer… so sad to lose him.

Colleen Everett

I am sad to hear of Jeff’s passing. He was a kind, thoughtful and generous soul. The love between Jeff and Bridget was something to be admired. I pray you will find God’s peace at this time of great sorrow.

Jackie Schwitters

I am so very sorry to see this news! I am soooo shocked.
Jeff was such a great person and a stellar sailor.
I will be sad to not see him about Ballard

Bridget Charters

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