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Fremont Ellsworth Kast

Fremont Ellsworth Kast 1926-2024.

Monty Kast died at the age of 98 on May 23 2024.  He lived an incredibly full and active life and was loved and respected by many.

Born in Modesto California to school teachers, Monty spent his younger years living in different small towns in California, Arizona, Nevada and Oregon where his parents taught in the towns small schools.  He was an excellent student and finished high school a year early.  At age 18 he was accepted into the Navy’s V-12 program.  Through this program he was able to attend Harvard, Notre Dame, Columbia University and also served as a Supply Officer on board ship in the Pacific at the end of World War 2. He witnessed the nuclear bomb test at Bikini Atoll in 1946, where he tells the tale of being issued special cheap sunglasses and ordered to turn away when the blast occurred!

 After the Navy he continued his education and received his MBA at Stanford University. While working at the Dole fruit Cannery in the summer of 1947, he met pretty young Phyllis Hames and fell in love.  They were married in 1948 in Memorial Chapel at Stanford University.  They were married for 74 years before she preceded him in death in 2022.  After marrying, Monty and Phyllis lived in Syracuse New York for two years where he taught at Syracuse University.  They moved to Seattle in 1951. It was their home for 73 years and where they raised their family. Monty taught and received his Doctorate at the University of Washington.  He was a Full Professor and taught for 35 years, later becoming a Professor Emeritus, still teaching at the University of Washington part time, while also teaching semesters at Universities around the world. Besides teaching , Monty also co authored seven Management books with his fellow professor and best friend Jim Rosenzweig.  A loyal Husky fan, he held season tickets for both football and basketball. The family spent many great times cheering on the Dawgs at Husky Stadium and Hec Ed.

Monty loved to travel.  With Phyllis he lived and taught in Syracuse, NYC, Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo.  Also, foreign countries - The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Australia and around the world with the Semester at Sea program. After retirement, the family traveled on barges and riverboats all over Europe. In the winters, Monty and Phyllis spent many happy times with family and friends in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

He loved to golf, hike, ski and play tennis. But he will be remembered best for having long thoughtful conversations.  He always seemed to find a logical and fair solution to any topic that came up. He was a mentor to many.

Monty is survived by his daughters Karen Kast and Cheryl Riedeman, his son in law Steve Riedeman, his grandchildren Sam Riedeman and Alex Bricker and his sister in law Arlene Cook.

As per his request, no service will be held.

We love and miss you Dad!


His friendship was a blessing. We’ll always remember those blue eyes and his love for life.

Kim and Dave Hadfield

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